Best SpamShieldPro Settings for WordPress


In this post you will learn about what each settings of the SpamShieldPro plugin can help you to filtered out malicious spam messages from your contact forms.

SpamShieldPro Plugin Settings

Below is a table of each settings available on the Settings > General

My API KeyYour API key, obtainable from RapidAPI
Minimum Content LengthMessage with characters below this word count will be filtered
Maximum Content LengthMessage with characters above this word count will be filtered
Block Datacenters IPBlock IP coming from datacenters (Usually regular visitors have residential IP)
Block ProxiesBlock IP coming from known proxies/vpn
Use SSP Keywords BlacklistFilter common spammy domain/texts based on our AI
Use SSP IP BlacklistFilter IPs that are known to be abuse and spamming recently
Maximum Links AllowedFilter message contain more links than the number set here
Empty “Spam Filtered” table everyClear the filtered messages periodically to prevent using too much database
Empty “Unfiltered Messages” table everyClear the unfiltered messages periodically to prevent using too much database
Do not analyze Email addressesWe will ignore the email address and not using it for spam check
Allow messages only from these countriesIf your business are only within a country or a few country, you can make it only allow IP from these country to use the form
Block messages from these countriesBlock IPs from specific countries from using your contact forms

Manual moderation rules

You can find the page in Settings > Manual moderation rules

This part is self explanatory, you can define emails, IPs and keywords to be filtered, this will be match using exact match.

Optimize Settings for Blocking Contact Form Spam

The default settings are what we would recommend for most sites to start with, it should be able to block 90% of the spam out of the box with default settings, you can start with the default and check back in a week.

Once you let it run in default for a week, you can check the Spam Filtered and Unfiltered Messages from the plugin, and see if there’s any message shouldn’t be block (false positives), and any message should be but it’s not being blocked.

You can then fine tune it by either enable more checks, adding custom keywords (eg: SEO, freelance, etc), or adding commonly used spam email addresses, if you got too many false positive you can check the reasons for the message you think shouldn’t be filtered and disable that specific checks.

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